Planning Process
Changes Categories
Fedora Engineering and Steering Committee (FESCo) defined two Change categories:
- Self Contained Changes
- System Wide Changes
Self Contained Changes
The self contained changes are changes to isolate package(s) or generally all changes with limited scope and impact on the rest of distribution/project. For example addition of a group of leaf packages or coordinated effort within SIG with limited impact outside SIG functional area.
Public announcement of the new Self Contained Changes helps to co-operate on the change and extends proposed change visibility. Change owners may find help from the community or useful comments. These changes don't have to be thoroughly reviewed by FESCo. Based on the community review, Self Contained Change can be updated to the System Wide Change category and Owner can be asked to provide more details and extend Change Proposal Papge.
The process for Self Contained Features
- Follow the generic Change Proposal Submission instructions
- The formal correctness of Proposed Change page is checked by the Wrangler
- Once the Change Proposal is correct, it's announced on Fedora Devel Announce list by the Wrangler.
- No documentation process (optional), only release notes advertisement
- Aggregated list of Change Proposals is added to FESCo agenda no sooner than a week (or more) after the announcement on the mailing list.
- In case of no complaints (possible breakage/conflicts, coordination needed) on Fedora Devel mailing list/or from FESCo members, FESCo approves those Change Proposals without more scope and etc. investigation. Every team on Fedora devel can share their views and escalate proposed change to FESCo to go through the regular System Wide Changes process. Change owner could be asked to provide more details/or move the change to the "complex changes" category. FESCo members are encouraged to ask questions on the mailing list instead of waiting for the meeting.