Leonardo Menezes Vaz
Hi there! My name is Leonardo Vaz, and currently I'm living in Sao Paulo, Brazil where I work as Software Maintenance Engineer specializing on local filesystems for Red Hat.
My first contact with Open Source was back in 1998 when he got Red Hat Linux 5.1 (Manhatthan) installed in my old PC, and in last 15 years I've been involved in several activities related to FOSS, both professionally as well voluntarily. I have a large experience in deploy and management of large infrastructures, consultancy, development and training. I'm a former Conectiva employee and was responsible for Tchelinux LUG between middle 2006 to early 2010.
Contact information
- FAS Account User: lmvaz
- Email: lvaz AT redhat DOT com
- IRC: lvaz on FreeNode and OFTC
- GPG Key ID: A4743E5C at pgp.mit.edu
- Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardovaz
- Github: https://github.com/leonardovaz
Activities within Fedora
- Currently I'm a Fedora Ambassador focused in promote Fedora Project in Sao Paulo area, Brazil
- I'm managing time to get involved on development and QA activities