From Fedora Project Wiki
Instruction to run application
How to test
- Run command
- If not installed, run "yum install empathy" as root and then execute the above command.
- Check translations.
Language | Result [language code] | Bug | Comment |
Example: abcd (ab_cd) | ab_cd ab_cd |
RHBZ #12345 | This is the comment |
Spanish (es_ES) | es_ES |
Italian (it_IT) | it_IT |
Portuguese (pt_BR) | pt_BR |
Korean (ko_KR) | ko_KR |
the header that pops up "Empathy Accounts" is in English | |
T Chin. (zh-TW) | zh-TW |
the header that pops up "Empathy Accounts" is in English | |
Japanese (ja-JP) | ja-JP |
French (fr-FR) | fr-FR |
The header that pops up "Empathy Accounts" is in English | |
Assamese (as-IN) | as-IN |
The header "Empathy Accounts" is in English, rest all are translated. | |
Tamil (ta-IN) | ta-IN |
The header "Empathy Accounts" is unlocalized | |
Gujarati (gu_IN) | gu_IN |
The header "Empathy Accounts" is unlocalized, This string is translated in upstream but file is not imported properly | |
Oriya (or-IN) | or-IN |
Header "Empathy Accounts" is untranslated. | |
Malayalam (ml-IN) | ml-IN |
Header - "Empathy Accounts" is in English. Bug to be filed |