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Revision as of 17:37, 27 July 2012 by Dwa (talk | contribs)

David Aquilina

I'm a release engineer at Red Hat, working on Fedora for POWER.

Contact Info

E-mail: dwa (at)

IRC: 'dwa' on freenode, in #fedora-ppc

Random Miscellany

mis-tagged shadowbuild packages

  • Find packages that shouldn't be there:
    ppc-koji latest-pkg SHADOWBUILD-f16-build --all --quiet | grep fc18 | awk {'print $1'} > /tmp/mistagged-pkgs 
  • Find the latest versions that should be.:
    for i in `awk -F- '{if (NF > 4) {print $1"-"$2"-"$3} else if (NF == 4) {print $1"-"$2} else {print $1}}' /tmp/mistagged-pkgs`; do ppc-koji latest-pkg f16-updates $i --quiet | awk {'print $1'}; done | grep -v Warning > /tmp/shouldbetagged-pkgs
    • 'grep -v Warning' is needed depending on your koji configuration, to supress the pkgurl deprecated option warning.
  • Untag the offenders:
    ppc-koji untag-pkg SHADOWBUILD-f16-build `cat /tmp/mistagged-pkgs`
  • Tag the right ones:
    ppc-koji tag-pkg SHADOWBUILD-f16-build `cat /tmp/shouldbetagged-pkgs`
  • Regen the repo:
    ppc-koji regen-repo SHADOWBUILD-f16-build