From Fedora Project Wiki

Elijah Hanson

Elijah Hanson
Personal Information
Born: 03-02-90 in Ghana
Home: Accra
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: edgates
Miscellaneous Information

Badges (18)
Paranoid Panda Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Editor Involvement Ambassador Mugshot Embryo Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Junior Badger (Badger I) Speak Up! Don't Call it a Comeback Origin Froglet Macaron (Cookie I) Community Messenger I Adult Frog

Who I am?

I am Elijah Hanson from Ghana supporting the call for a world of open source software

What am I currently engaged in?

I am currently in college majoring in Computer Science hopefully to graduate in the next 2 years

Why am I into Fedora?

To be able to champion the cause for open source software now that I'm part of a team that is also into it.

How to contact me?

Everyone can reach me through either of the following



Fedora Account: edgates


By Phone

  • Voice Mail:+233 266495500
  • Mobile Phone:+233 207049631
  • Home Phone:+233 28729535
  • Work Phone:+233 206751541
  • Skype: pkwesi77


Activities within Fedora

  • Fedora Ambassador in Ghana.
  • Encouraging the use of Fedora GNU/Linux Systems .
  • Spreading the philosophy of the open source culture.
  • Campus Ambassador.

Auxilliary Info

  • Forums:

[Tech Support Guys][1]
[Tech Republic][2]

  • Core Traits:

Programming in C++ and Visual Basic
Benchmarking of Computer Hardware