Paulo Santos
Email: [[MailTo(paulo DOT banon AT SPAMFREE googlemail DOT com)]
Irc: paulobanon (Freenode) / Hex (PTnet)
I'm 27 years old and i'm Portuguese.
Currently, I work as a System / Web Administrator, on the wonderfull game industry world (Blizzard Entertainement Europe). I'm also an SCSA - Solaris 9, and and one of my future goals is the RHCE certification.
I am helping the fedora-infrastructure team to promote fedora and help the project move forward.
Current Projects
Web services/architecture audit
Completed Projects
- Wiki Upgrade (performed by MikeMcgrath)
- Web architecture caching and stress test (PauloSantos and AhmedKamal)
- IndexAdmin page in
- computers
- networking
- security
- Linux
- ...
More information, as soon as i have some time to write it.