My name is Anshu Prateek (anshprat on freenode). I am from Bangalore, India. I have been a Fedora user since Fedora Core 2/FC3. I have learnt almost eveything thanks to Fedora (managing about a dozen nodes in college lab and later hundreds to thousands of RHEL nodes at work). I would like to contribute to the infrastructure team @ Fedora so that I can give back what I have learnt and also to learn the latest in tech.
At my day work, I am a devops. Earlier I was with the search ops team at Yahoo! and have a pretty good knowledge of large scale production environments. Presntly am also dabbling into release and QA environments. I am good at bash and php with moderate skills at perl,python and mysql. I have experience with svn and git as an end-user. I have been playing around a bit with ansible as well.
More about me here: