Bill Nottingham
File:Interviews BillNottingham Picture.jpg
Contact info
- Email: [notting AT redhat DOT com]
- Email: [notting AT fedoraproject DOT org]
- IRC: notting
- Location: North Carolina, USA - (US Eastern timezone)
- Other: bill_nottingham on twitter
What I Do
I've worked on Fedora since it began, and Red Hat Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux before that. I've been a Red Hat employee for a long time, working in the Raleigh headquarters. At one point or another, I have done release coordination, feature planning, mirror list handling, writing of announcements and release notes, testing and verification, random package scrubbing, freeze handling and review, schedule making, bug triage, and more.
- Roles
- Former member of the Fedora Project Board
- Member of FESCo
- Occasional member of ReleaseEngineering
- Occasional member of Infrastructure
- Maintainer of various packages
- Upstream maintainer of:
- various other things...