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Revision as of 02:00, 7 November 2013 by Renich (talk | contribs) (removed the specific network interface from the iptables command)

Sharing files with NFSv4 on Fedora (Server & Client configuration)


This HowTo explains how to set up the Network File System version 4 on your LAN for multiple shares. It explains, also, how to mount the exports on your client.

Tested in Fedora Versions

  • Fedora 19


The nfs-utils package provides what's need for both then client and the server. However, to make sure it's installed, run the following command. Enter your root password when prompted:

su -c "yum install nfs-utils"

Server requirements (services)

  • nfs
  • rpc2

Client requirements ((services)

  • nfs
  • nfslock
  • rpc2

Doing the Work

Configuring the server

  • Open up the necessary port on the firewall (port: 2049 TCP).
su -c "iptables -A INPUT -i <some-network-interface> -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT"
  • Activate NFS4 and click OK.
  • Edit /etc/idmapd.conf. Enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "vim /etc/idmapd.conf"
  • Configure your domain name and change the users to nfsnobody:
Domain =

Nobody-User = nfsnobody
Nobody-Group = nfsnobody
  • Start the rpcidmapd and nfslock services, then start the nfs service. Alternatively, you can use System->Administration->Services GUI. Please enter the root password when prompted:
su -c "service rpcbind start"
su -c "service rpcidmapd start"
su -c "service nfslock start"
su -c "service nfs start"
  • Set rpcidmapd, nfslock, and nfs services to start on boot. Alternatively, you can use System->Administration->Services GUI. Please enter the root password when prompted:
su -c "chkconfig --level 345 rpcbind on"
su -c "chkconfig --level 345 rpcidmapd on"
su -c "chkconfig --level 345 nfslock on"
su -c "chkconfig --level 345 nfs on"
  • Create the directories of the exports inside /srv/nfs. Enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "mkdir -p /srv/nfs/{share1,share2,share3}"
  • Edit /etc/fstab:
su -c "vim /etc/fstab"
  • Bind the desired shares to the, recently created, directories; at /srv/nfs:
/path/to/share1		/srv/nfs/share1	none	bind	0 0
/path/to/share2		/srv/nfs/share2	none	bind	0 0
/path/to/share3		/srv/nfs/share3	none	bind	0 0
  • Remount everything. Enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "mount -a"
  • Edit /etc/exports. Enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "vim /etc/exports"
  • Add your shares here (available to your home network) If you want your shares to be read only, change rw to ro from these statements:
/srv/nfs/share2   ,insecure,no_subtree_check,nohide)
/srv/nfs/share3   ,insecure,no_subtree_check,nohide)
  • Reload your exports. Please enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "/usr/sbin/exportfs -rv"
  • Edit your /etc/hosts.allow file, so your clients are allowed to access your nfs. Please enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "vim /etc/hosts.allow"
  • Allow your LAN to access your services:
  • Reboot:
su -c "/sbin/shutdown -r now"

Configuring the clients

  • Edit /etc/idmapd.conf. Enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "vim /etc/idmapd.conf"
  • Configure your domain name and change the users to nfsnobody:
Domain =

Nobody-User = nfsnobody
Nobody-Group = nfsnobody
  • Edit /etc/fstab. Please enter your root password when prompted:
su -c "vim /etc/fstab"
  • Create the mounting directories:
su -c "mkdir /mnt/shares /home/me/share1 /home/he/share2 /home/it/share3"
  • Add the desired shares:
<ip-address-to-server>:/	/mnt/shares	nfs4	rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,soft
<ip-address-to-server>:/share1	/home/me/share1	nfs4	rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,soft
<ip-address-to-server>:/share2	/home/he/share2	nfs4	rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,soft
<ip-address-to-server>:/share3	/home/it/share3	nfs4	rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,soft
  • Remount everything:
su -c "mount -a"

Common problems and fixes

Exported subdirectory appears empty

If /srv/nfs/share1 appears empty on the client make sure it's exported with the nohide parameter. Because /srv/nfs/share1 was mounted under /srv/nfs, the client can't see it unless the nohide parameter is used.

More Information

RedHat recommends, on RHEL5 Docs, that one should use automount instead of /etc/fstab; which saves resources when sharing to multiple workstations. I haven't had the time to try this configuration. This document will be modified/augmented once I've got the hang of it.


I haven't had the opportunity to test this HowTo since I lack of a networked PC to do it, so you may run into problems, if you do, come to #fedora on or leave me messages so I know what's up. Feel free to propose changes and stuff.

Added Reading