Organizing Team
- Neville A. Cross (Event Owner)
- Aura Lila Gutierrez
- Eduardo Mayorga
- William Moreno
- Samuel J. Gutierrez Aviles
Cost calculated in base of 20 guests in 10 double rooms. Taxes included. Meeting room will be a hacking/meeting space for the night. If breakfast is not included, the price will be added. Air shuttle has to be calculated double, as incoming and outgoing travels.
Hotel | Double rooms 10 | Meeting room | Airport shuttle | Transportation to venue | Total |
Hotel Mansión Teodolinda | $52.65 x 10rooms x 4 days Breakfast included |
Included (Free) | $5 x 20pp x 2 (in-out) | Included (Free) | $2,706 |
Name | $ | $ | $ | $ |
Bocklet for information about the event and writing space for the schedule. Note blocks as gifts. Banners to display our sponsors.
printing shop | Booklets | note blocks | banners |
Bolonia Printing | $306 (300 units) | $293 (300 units) | $53 (each) |
Name | $ | $ | $ |
Pre-registration system
It has been a custom to give t-shirts to the 150 first people to pre-register on the event. There is also the idea of making bags as gifts, like small running backpacks.
printing shop | tshirts | bags |
Bordados Anan | $776.25 (150 units) | n/a |
Name | $ | $ |
Güegüe Comunicaciones will be sponsoring t-shirts