Organizing Team
- Neville A. Cross (Event Owner)
- Aura Lila Gutierrez
- Eduardo Mayorga
- Fernando Espinoza
- William Moreno
- Samuel J. Gutierrez Aviles
Cost calculated in base of 20 guests in 10 double rooms. Taxes included. Meeting room will be a hacking/meeting space for the night. If breakfast is not included, the price will be added. Air shuttle has to be calculated double, as incoming and outgoing travels.
Hotel | Double rooms 10 | Meeting room | Airport shuttle | Transportation to venue | Total |
Hotel Mansión Teodolinda | $52.65 x 10rooms x 4 days Breakfast included |
Included (Free) | $5 x 20pp x 2 (in-out) | Included (Free) | $2,706 |
Name | $ | $ | $ | $ |
Bocklet for information about the event and writing space for the schedule. Note blocks as gifts. Banners to display our sponsors.
printing shop | Booklets | note blocks | banners |
Bolonia Printing | $306 (300 units) | $293 (300 units) | $53 (each) |
Name | $ | $ | $ |
Pre-registration system
There is not estimated cost for this item, but it will be sponsored by Kakao media in their web site Folcano which displays activities and sells tickets for events.
It has been a custom to give t-shirts to the 150 first people to pre-register on the event. There is also the idea of making bags as gifts, like small running backpacks.
printing shop | tshirts | bags |
Bordados Anan | $776.25 (150 units) | n/a |
Name | $ | $ |
Güegüe Comunicaciones will be sponsoring t-shirts