In this section, we cover Fedora Artwork Project.
Contributing Writer: NicuBuculei
Continual theme development
Theme development for Fedora 10 [1] was the main point of focus on the Fedora Art List this week, two new themes were proposed by SamueleStorari: InvinXble [2], a theme about "the difficulties founded on the road, but the project doesn't quit, and, if sometime it may be falled it raised up strongest than before. Fedora had to fight to reach this point, so we can say Fedora it's Invincible, or better invinXble" and Solar [3],a theme about "the 'Perfect System' meaning a good, right working OS".
InvinXble received significant appreciation, with feedback about how it can become more suitable as an usable background image and the recommendation to not use the Fedora logo, which is the team policy about providing graphics which can be easily reusable.
In theming related news, PaulFrields asks on the list [4] about the impact about the team's schedule of the delay until the release name for Fedora 10 will be chosen (with a public vote, as usual) and he is assured by NicuBuculei about the team being cool with the delay, as the process is still in the first round [1].
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