Fedora Events: Fedora 20 Release Party Fest - Paris, France
When and Where
- 2014, february 15
- Carrefour Numérique de la Cité des Sciences, Paris, France
- Alexandre Moine
- You...
should be done asap
- Add the event in the www.agendadulibre.org french open calendar.
- Announce the event on linuxfr.org
- Add an entry on http://fedora-fr.org/
- Contact Parinux, the local LUG
You want to sleep in a luxurious hotel ? Add your name below.
- You
- ...
At someone's home
You have a spare room ? Add your name in the table below.
Host | Rooms | Guest |
example_de_page_user | example | ... |
You need a couch ? Add your name below.
- ...
Pickup any task you want, add any task you think is necessary for the event to be a success.
Task | Owner | Status | Observations |
Book the "Carrefour Numérique" | nobrakal | ![]() |
2 p.m. - 6 p.m. |
Get Fedora 20 DVDs | misc ? | ![]() |
https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/336 |
Produce goodies ? | |||
Make an announce to fedora forums, linuxfr, blogs... l'agenda du libre | nobrakal | ![]() |
nobody | ![]() |
For the status column, you can use the following templates:
for a task that is not attributed / started yet{{Template:Important}}
for a task started but not completed yet{{Template:Check}}
for a closed task
Depending if you prefer to speak or to teach, add you conference or workshop bellow! The "type" column is either "talk" or "workshop".
Subject | Type | Speaker | Confirmed? | Accessibility | Slides URL | schedule | Room |
NB: Accessibility has 3 levels, represented here by stars.
L'association Borsalinux-Fr vous donne rendez-vous le samedi 15 février 2014 à la Cité des Sciences à Paris (au 30 avenue Corentin Cariou dans le 19e) pour les Rencontres Fedora 20. Cet événement aura lieu dans le Carrefour numérique de la Cité (au 1er sous-sol) de 14h à 17h et sera suivie par l'assemblé générale de Borsalinux-Fr, association qui fait la promotion de Fedora dans les pays francophones.
Pour cette nouvelle version de Fedora, pleine de nouveautés, ces Rencontres sont l'occasion de découvrir Fedora, sa communauté et d'échanger sur le monde du Logiciel Libre. Lors de cette journée, vous pourrez demander une démonstration et une installation de Fedora 20 mais aussi venir discuter du projet et de son organisation avec la communauté francophone.
The Fedora 20 release party was successful take place the 15th of February in the "Carrefour numérique" of the "Cité des sciences et de l'industrie" in Paris, France. Parinux, the local LUG, help us with some material. Thank you both! Few people came, certainly owing to the FOSDEM, two weeks before. There were many fedora ambassadors and contributors (thank you!). We installed some fedora computers, and spoke about the opensource and the project. We have also distributed many Fedora medias, and shown to people how to create live USB. Usually we have some conferences, but the christmas holidays complicated the organization,and we were obliged to cancel them.
We also had a chance to meet some contributions that we see usually on irc but we met personally too few.
The release party was followed by the general meeting of Borsalinux-Fr, the french association who supports Fedora. We are actually looking forward to the Rencontres Fedora 21 (they will certainly take place other than in Paris).