Nick Thom | |
Personal information | |
Location: | Athens, Greece |
Birthday: | 1976 |
Homepage: | |
E-mail: | |
GPG key: | D7CCB465
Fedora-specific information | |
FAS name: | nickth |
Fedora e-mail: | |
Fedora homepage: | |
Nick Thom
My name is Nick Thom from Greece, I'm 38 years old and I live in Athens. I deal with PCs and occasionally smartphones, because I like it. It's one of my hobbies. I deal with Linux since 2010. Self taught, I like to learn new things every day. Currently, three operating systems sitting on my primary machine of use, which is a Laptop Acer Aspire 5733:
- Fedora
- Arch Linux
- Debian
Discovering the "real" Fedora
- I discovered the real Fedora almost recently. I knew about the distribution and the community, but until recently it was running on a virtual machine only. Since version 20 (and from the day one it was released), I have installed it on a mechanical hard drive that I have, mostly because I wanted to see the behavior of the system on a real hardware (and not on a virtual one). As I was seeing, learning and discovering the "real" Fedora, what impressed me more, was the speed and stability (as opposed on what I've heard or read about!).
- Eventually, I decided to transfer the installation on my primary SSD and now is my primary Operating System.
- Last but not least, what also impressed me was this, I can say rigorous, principle about the Open Source and open source way. The four foundations was the first page I did read, on wiki.
Activities within Fedora
- I have applied to become a Fedora Ambassador on July 2014. To become an Ambassador it's a great honor for me, but also brings great responsibility.
Ask Fedora
- Currently participating in Ask Fedora helping users solving various problems, both on English and Greek sections.
- I'm also a Forum moderator helping this community's driven project, to function as well as possible.
Blog about Fedora
- I have set up a blog dedicated to Fedora, at the site that was offered to me for free, by the Fedora Project. The articles are written in Greek language and only the titles and a brief summary is written in English. The blog can be found here.
Social Media
- Participating on various social media, talking about Fedora with other folks and calling new members to join. Mostly on Google Plus Community and Facebook Group.
Updates Testing
- I participate testing various packages, before they pushed on stable repository. Thereby, I'm becoming a part of the Fedora testers and Quality Assurance group. You will find my comments and karma points at Fedora's testing system.
- Recently, I've installed the Fedora Rawhide on my testing machine of use, which is a Desktop. Let's test it, to the bitter end :)
Wiki Localization
- Translate various Wiki pages, the ones I consider most important. You can see all of my work on Wiki, by visiting this page.
Contribution Commitment
Contribution commitment is a very difficult matter, when it comes to devote your time. In the past I have devoted much time contributing at various FLOSS projects/distributions (Ubuntu, Arch Linux...etc) and I continue on some of them.
Usually, I'm picking what I want to work on, and I dedicate my self there.
- Helping users solving various problems is one of my hobbies, so It will not be difficult for me to contribute on Ask Fedora.
- Another area I'm interesting is Wiki Localization. Most of users they know to read English, but reading an article at their own (native) language, I think is more comfortable(apart that serves the global perspective of Fedora Project).
- Updates Testing is enabled on my Fedora box anyway. Thus, I will use the
to give feedback on bodhi and help to ensure the stability of packages.
I can do a commitment devoting 2-4 hours per week, on aforementioned contribution areas.
Participation at events, also is not a problem. As a "normal" person, I consider that physical contact is more constructive than a Web/Internet one.
You can find me on as NickTh, usually on channels: #fedora-ask , #fedora-qa, and #fedora-el (if I'm marked as being away, don't hesitate to ping me).
- Reserved for the future
Linux education
Some online courses I've taken and successfully completed.
- CompTIA Linux+ (Exam LX0-101) - course successfully completed
- CompTIA Linux+ (Exam LX0-102) - course successfully completed
- Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) - Exam EX200 - course successfully completed
- Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) - Exam EX300 - course successfully completed
Certificates of completion are available, upon request only.
Other Contacts
You can also find me at the following social media:
Favorite phrase
Don't Leave for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today