About me
I am trained in computer science from the Faculdade Pitágoras (Teixeira de Freitas-BA).
Language Supported: Brazilian Portuguese and English
How I support Fedora
Currently collaborates with the fedora through participation in events, talking about the community in general and organize events. Most want to contribute to the team translation and packaging.
Participation in events
Below is a list of events that have already participated: Latinoware(2010,2011,2012) Encantec Forum da Revista Espirito Livre(III,IV,V) 1 Semana de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação de São Mateus e Região Norte do Espirito Santo Ensolba(Organizador) Campus Party Brasil FISL Semana de Engenharia e Tecnologia Unisam (Organizador) 1 Campeonato de programação Unisam (Organizador) Artwork MarketingCollateral userbar fedora ambassador.pngBrazil.png