In this section, we cover the Fedora Marketing Project.
Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco
Beat Writers sought for Marketing & Meetings
Pascal Calarco posted [1] a call for volunteers for the Marketing and Meetings beats for Fedora Weekly News. He added, "If you are interested, take a peak at the last few issues of FWN [2] to see what this looks like, and then sign up [3] by joining the fedora-news-list, introduce yourself and claim one of these beats as your own!
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Acer's Linpus Linux Lite Features Fedora
Rahul Sundaram forwarded a review of Acer's new ultraportable, who's operating system is based on Fedora 8. The article notes, "Fedora has managed to avoid shabby deals with Microsoft and playing fast and loose with Kernel source code and the GPL. At last, a version of GNU/Linux on an ultra portable you can use with a clear conscience."
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FedoraTV is Ready To Go!
Jonathan Roberts announced [1] this week that the FedoraTV hosted site [2] is ready for further review and content submissions. He added, "Any FAS account holders can login, file a ticket with information about a video/audio they want to submit for the feed, and we can respond openly and hold any discussions about whether to include the file or not." Kushal Das responded [3], encouraging everyone to submit their Fedora-related screencasts, podcasts and other video to the new site.
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Software Freedom T-Shirts
Jayme Ayres announced [1] a new graphic design [2] for Software Freedom Day, inspired by discussions amongst Brazilian Fedora Ambassadors, and also pointed to the video produced after the recent Fórum Internacional Software Livre (FISL) meeting in Brazil that recently appeared in Red Hat Magazine [3], and the polo shirts also designed for the event [4]
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