These are the Talking Points for the Fedora 21 release. For information on how these talking points were chosen, see Talking Points SOP. They are intended to help Ambassadors quickly present an overview of highlighted features when talking about the release, and to help drive content for the release, etc.
The talking points are based in part on the Change Set for this release.
Fedora Workstation
GNOME 3.12 or 3.14 (depending on schedule)
Application Installer Continued
Fedora Server
Anaconda Support for Server Roles
Cockpit Management Console
Domain Controller Server Role
Framework for Server Role Deployment
Headless Java
Fedora Cloud
(A)Periodic Updates to Cloud Images
Modular Kernel Packaging for Cloud
Fedora 21 Make 4.0 Update
Format Security
GHC 7.8
Java 8
Optional Javadocs