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Revision as of 10:45, 5 December 2014 by Msuchy (talk | contribs)

Tmpfs Plugin

The tmpfs plugin allows you to mount a tmpfs on the chroot dir. This plugin is disabled by default.


You can enable the plugin using this settings:

   config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_enable'] = True
   config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts'] = {}
   config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts']['required_ram_mb'] = 1024
   config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts']['max_fs_size'] = '768m'
   config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts']['mode'] = '0755'
   config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts']['keep_mounted'] = False
  • required_ram_mb - If system has less memory than this value, then Tmpfs plugin is disable, warning is omitted, but mock continue.
  • max_fs_size - this is passed to mount.tmpfs as "-o size=X"
  • mode - this is passed to to mount.tmpfs as "-o mode=X"
  • keep_mounted - when set to True, then buildroot is not unmounted when mock exit (which destroy its content). Additionally when mock is starting and it detect tmpfs from previous run, it will reuse it.