The following metadata was found in MoinMoin that could not be converted
to a useful value in MediaWiki:
- : This is for /sbin/install-info
- gconftool-2: --makefile-uninstall-rule \
The gconf part has some mistakes.
tag shoud be "`"
the --disable-schemas flag should be --disable-schemas-install.
Need BuildRequires systemd-units
systemd-units defines the _unitdir macro which is essential for building this package (esp in Mock!) Please add to the sample code.
%{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/ directory
Regarding the following quote from the page:
We're asking that the %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/ directory be owned by either the rpm or filesystem packages in Fedora. Until that happens, a package that is providing this functionality needs to own %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/ as well as their subdirectory of it.
Is there some outstanding ticket or mailing list conversation tracking this effort, which could be referenced here?