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Revision as of 13:44, 13 August 2015 by Mccann2 (talk | contribs) (added sugar 0.106 update)

Beat is open
This beat is now ready to have Fedora 25 content added by the beat writer

Cinnamon Spin

The Cinnamon desktop version 2.6 is now available as a Spin for Fedora 23. Cinnamon is a modern desktop environment based on the GNOME Shell, with advanced features and a traditional and flexible user experience.

Updates and improvements in this release include:

  • Improved multi-monitor support
  • HTML5 and XScreenSaver support for animated screensavers
  • Panel management improvements
  • New inhibit applet to hide notifications and temporarily suspend power saving events
  • Redesigned system settings panel for improved usability
  • Accessibility improvements, including better support for ATK/Orca, magnifiers, and and a new On-Screen Keyboard applet

See the Cinnamon official website for more information on Cinnamon, and go to to download the Spin.


Originally started as part of the One Laptop per child initiative, Sugar is a desktop environment targeted for children ages 5 - 12 to provide learning and educational activities through rich media. Sugar is the core component of a worldwide effort to provide every child with the opportunity for a quality education.

This update to sugar 0.106 includes the following:

  • improved performance
  • updated activities
  • New social help for access to discussion forums and collaborative learning

See the SugarLabs release notes for more information on this sugar release.