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Fedora Free Media Program India
- The Free Media program is run by voluntary group of Ambassadors and other contributors to fulfill the Free Media requests, the number of Media shipped every month may change...
- We appreciate all of the support and interest we have received so far, and we hope that more volunteers will step forward to help us increase our capacity and accept a larger number of requests.
If you'd like to participate, please contact the coordinator.
How To
- Please Do not submit the form twice, Our policy for FreeMedia is "One Media Per Person Per Release". All Duplicate Requests will be Cancelled
- If you are ready to provide your own CD/DVD, please refer to Local Contacts . You can bring the CD/DVD and get it burned.
- Use the Free Media Request Form on this page to fill a request when it is active.
- Please do not mail Ambassadors requesting CD/DVD.. The only way to get a Free Fedora Media is through the Free Media Request Form
- If your request is not accepted or is delayed for long (there can be many reasons like non availability of resources...) you can opt to send a blank media with return envelop, this will help us fulfill your request faster (this way you can get Fedora in as short as the round trip of the media sent.)
- 2008-8-7 Free Media request form for August is closed.. please check back in September.
Distribution Team
- SiddharthUpmanyu ( Shipping Address )
- SusmitShannigrahi ( Shipping Address )
- VigneshSundaram ( Shipping Address )
- AnkurSinha ( Shipping Address )
Non Fedora Contributors
- Vandana Pandey
- Buzzworks
Free Media Requests Queue For August 2008
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - NARAYAN CHANDRA DEY (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Deep Panjwani (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - Harsh Kumar (F9 x86_64 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: INDIA - Anji Reddy (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - Alok Mahendroo (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - Deepak Dogra (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - Ramakanth (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - Spandan Buch (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: INDIA - HANEE SRIVASTAVA (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Vishal (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - B.SRINIVASAN (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - P.RUTHRAMGANDHI (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Narayana Swamy (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Arjun Narayan (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - venkateswaran (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - MURUGAN R (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - KARTHIKAISELVAN (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Subhajit Paul (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: INDIA - SOUMYAJIT GHOSH (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Voon Kashin (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - kalaiselvan (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-3: INDIA - VINAY KANTH. K (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: INDIA - RAVI KUMAR PERNA (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-3: India - Apurv Kiri (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-3: INDIA - Shubhendu Sh Dehury (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Nageswaran (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Chandra Singh Patwal (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: india - vishal agrawal (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Mohit (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - SOUMYA SANYAL (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Ravindra Singh (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - LAXMAN SINGH NEGI (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: india - priteah bansal (F9 PPC DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Mohit Sharma (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - ROHIT KUMAR (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - pritesh bansal (F9 PPC DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Vijay Khanke (F9 x86_64 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - ASHISH ANAND (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - MRINMOY DEY (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Chakshu (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - NISHI (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - NAVI PRASAD (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - C. SRI RAM PRASAD (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - sagar saumya prusty (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Randeeep Kumar Satpathy (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Vinaya Telkar (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Mohtashim Shaikh (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Sharmistha Sarkar (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Digvijay Baglekar (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Siddharth (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Tavneet Singh (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: India - Jatinpreet Singh (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Ankit Srivastava (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - N Balaji (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Vishal sharma (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Sourav Mukherjee (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Hemant Pathak (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: India - ragesh p (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Rajesh P (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Vrushal (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: India - Ankit (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Anuraj.C.R (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Ajay K.R (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Bineesh Baby (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - SWAROOP (F9 x86_64 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Abhishek Sharma (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Rushikesh Deshpande (F9 x86 Live)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Devender Mishra (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - jawed ahmad (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - shahnaz akhtar (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - zahid (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - parvez alam (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - arshad iqbal (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - ansar ahmad (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: india - sohaib danish (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - sohaib danish (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Akshat Jain (F9 PPC DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - sreeraj kk (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Syakesh Kumar.S.S (F9 x86_64 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - VIJULAL.V (F9 x86_64 Live)
- 2008-8-2: USA - Anil jain (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Akhil.S.P (F9 x86_64 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Akshat Jain (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Amit Agrawal (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - NARESH PATNAIK (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - LOGANATHAN (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - Kumar Aditya Anand (F9 x86_64 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: India - harsh baghel (F9 x86 DVD)
- 2008-8-2: INDIA - Mitesh Kumar Anand (F9 x86 DVD)