From Fedora Project Wiki

This is the main page for FAD Fedora Cloud Working Group 2016.


Our purpose is to complete the following primary goals:

  1. Retrospective of Fedora 23 release for the Cloud/Atomic products.
  2. Future of Automated Testing for Fedora Cloud/Atomic
  3. Concrete Plan for Fedora Atomic Edition for F25.
  4. Increase the Public Cloud Provider reach.
  5. OpenShift Origin, and how to integrate in our cloud story (may be for contributors)
  6. CentOS and Fedora Atomic hosts

Detailed Work Items & Final Attendees



  1. Automated testing
    • Atomic Host Tests
    • Plan for CI builds/testing for Host/OStree
  2. Atomic Edition
    • F25 Change
    • Updated PRD
    • Proposal to Council with the above
    • How to handle multiple versions of Docker
    • Docker vs. runc
  3. Documentation
    • At least one F24-focused runbook.
  4. Event report for Community Blog
    • Need to produce one or more reports for the larger group / project to follow along with results of the FAD

Attendees and Travel Details

Contributor Arrival Departure Roommate Need Travel Funding? Budget amount for travel
Josh Berkus Jun 6 Jun 9 - No
Matthew Miller Not sure yet Also not sure yet - No
Scott Collier Not sure yet Also not sure yet - No
Dusty Mabe Jun 6 Jun 8 (late) - No
Joe Brockmeier Lives Here Lives Here Heck No No
Adam Miller Jun 6 Jun 9 - Yes $1000 ($450 Hotel, $400 Flight, $50 To/From Airport, $100 Food)
Kushal Das June 5th June 10th - Yes
Tim Flink ? not sure yet, may end up remote not sure yet - Yes
Jason Brooks Jun 6 Jun 9 - No

Remote attendees


  1. Location: Red Hat, Raleigh, NC USA
  2. Room Red Hat Annex, "Red Rover" room
  3. Date: Jun-07 to Jun-08




  • Covered at hotel


  • Days other than Tue/Wed/ to be covered by attendees.
  • Tue: Order in, cost covered (est. $125)
  • Wed: Order in, cost covered (est. $125)


  • Days other than Tue/Wed to be covered by attendees
  • Tue: Team @ local venue (est. $300)
  • Wed: Team @ local venue (est. $300)

Total food: est. $850

Travel estimates

Contributor Taxi/transport (to/from home) Airfare Taxi/transport (to/from site) Parking Add Meals Other
tflink USD 50 USD 320 USD 40 USD 50 USD 40

  1. Space:
    • $0 if Supplied by Red Hat
  2. Supplies:
    • N/A
  3. Food: $850 (from above)

Total budget: $