From Fedora Project Wiki
This test verifies how you can upgrade your Workstation Graphically from Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 with Gnome Software
- Make sure you are running Fedora 23 Workstation with a decent internet connection and root access.
- Enable COPR repo run
dnf copr enable rhughes/f23-gnome320
- Install all packages run
dnf install PackageKit libhif libgusb libappstream-glib json-glib gnome-software fwupd f24-backgrounds appstream-data
- Reboot and look for fedora.json which you will find
- Once inside search for f24 change the corresponding key pair value from Under Development to Active this will create a situation for gnome-software to prompt us for the updates.
How to test
- fully update your machine and reboot
- Reboot and look for fedora.json which you will find
- Once inside search for f24 change the corresponding key pair value from Under Development to Active
- After change the section should look like this
{ "allow_retire": true, "branchname": "f24", "date_created": "2016-02-23 22:57:55", "date_updated": "2016-02-25 20:39:53", "dist_tag": ".fc24", "koji_name": "f24", "name": "Fedora", "status": "Active", "version": "24" }
Expected Results
- gnome-software should notify you when it discovers that a newer OS version is available.
- You should see a banner about it in the updates page of gnome-software.
- The "Learn more" link should work (bring you to the release notes in a web browser).
- Downloading the upgrade should happen in the background. You should be able to close gnome-software and go to other pages in gnome-software without interrupting it.
- When the download is complete, you should get a notification, and the updates page in gnome-software should now offer you to install the update
The following must be true to consider this a successful test run.
- The above test cases should run successfully.
- Installing the update should work just like an offline update
- There should be warnings if you had rpms installed before the upgrade that would be broken by the upgrade (e.g. 3rd party software).
Optionally provide hints for exploratory testing.