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Revision as of 04:01, 8 July 2016 by Jsandys (talk | contribs) (SeaGL 2016)
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Seattle GNU/Linux Conference 2016



Event Description

Seattle GNU/Linux Conference 2016 is a grassroots technical conference dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the GNU/Linux community and free/libre/open-source software/hardware.

Event Owners

Jeff Sandys

Fedora Representatives

Jeff Sandys

Event Schedule

Submit your presentation before August 1st


Who Friday Saturday
Jeff Sandys X X
Who's next? Add yourself here ? ? ?

Event Reports

Event Budget

Item Budget Actuals Comments
LFNW Gold sponsorship $1000 $1000
Game Night $1000 $1000
Swag $100 unknown
Shipping of event box and banners $150 $143.47
Hotel $0 $393.40 Paid by attendees

/*/ Final budget, items based on actuals, see Trac Ticket

Travel Subsidy Requests

Travel Subsidy Requests
Each attendee requesting travel subsidies for the event should be listed here including the information requested in Sponsoring Event Attendees.

Event Report