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Revision as of 04:48, 18 August 2016 by Amsharma (talk | contribs)


This is the main page for the Fedora Diversity Day, which is a FAD focused on review and finish our current coals and define the next plans to improve the Diversity efforts in our community.


  1. Diversity Survey
    • Define strategies for the usage of the Survey
    • Finish the questionaire
    • Select tool
    • Define timeline
  2. Diversity Marketing Campaign
    • Define reach of the campaign
    • Use first survey results to create focus groups
  3. CoC expansion
    • Discuss in deep CoC to see if it's wide enough against the current harasment and bullying cases we have


The completion of these goals will create the following positive change within the project:

  • outcome
  • outcome
  • outcome

These outcomes connect with the following Fedora Community Objectives by explain connection here.

Detailed Work Items & Final Attendees


Travel days
Travel days are Thursday and Sunday. On-site participants are leaving early and no on-site hacking will take place on Sunday.
Name Remote? Fri Sat Sun Core Tasks
Tatica Leandro Hopefully not X X X TBD
Justin W. Flory Hopefully not X X X TBD
Bee Hopefully not - X X TBD
Amita Hopefully not - X X TBD


Tatica Leandro TBD
Justin W. Flory TBD
Amita TBD

Planning Prerequisites

See the How to organize a FAD list; you can keep your to-do list here.

  • Completed work item
  • Work out budget
  • Decide on Dates and Location
  • Arrange Facilities
  • List Resources
  • Be Somewhat Structured
  • Arrange Lodging
  • Arrange Refreshments
  • Arrange a Social Event
  • Another action item
  • Another action item
  • Another action item


Proposal one - At DevConf

  1. Location: Brno University of Technology Faculty of Information Technology. - Brno - Czech Republic
  2. Date: (tentative) 27 – 29 January 2017
  3. Schedule
    • Participants arrive at Jan 25
    • Schedule item
    • Schedule item
    • Schedule item
    • Participants leave at Jan 30
  4. Important skills (one or more)
    • skill
    • skill
    • skill
  5. Personnel (people who might fit the bill)
    • Tatica Leandro (Venezuela, Diversity Advisory) Confirmed? Y
    • Name (location, role) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • others?
  6. Other considerations
    • Tatica needs to be online during week days, so she might need to travel only-on-weekends or try to make her trip as short as possible (work)


Snacks/Beverages: Details go here.

Lunch: Details go here.

Dinner: Details go here.


If you want funding from Red Hat, ask the OSAS team. If you can find other ways to fund your FAD, that's great too!

Contributor Dept Arrv Dept Arrv Cost
Tatica Leandro Cucuta or Caracas, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Cucuta or Caracas, arrival Ticket cost (Usually cheaper from Cucuta)
Name Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival Ticket cost
Name Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival Ticket cost
  1. Travel: $A for airfare, bus, train, etc. funding needed to get attendees to the FAD
  2. Housing: $B for hotel, etc. needed to have attendees sleep during the FAD
    • link to hotel room booking website, if applicable
  3. Space: $C for renting space to hack in, if applicable
    • address and travel details for the space
  4. Supplies: $D for anything else you may need
    • item
    • item
    • item

Total budget: $A+B+C+D