End result
2009-06-14 FAD - Documentation Meeting at Clemson
FAD - Documentation Meeting at Clemson
== Meeting attendees ==
Eric Christensen - Sparks
Ian Weller - ianweller
John McDonough - jjmcd
Paul Frields - stickster
Zach Oglesby - zoglesby
Clint Savage - herlo
David Nalley - ke4qqq
Lee Brewer - uclugLee
TOPIC - What went wrong? What went right? ==
=== What went
wrong ===
* Changing Release Notes data 1
* Two days before F11 was released, the release notes beats on wiki were still changing
* Audio change
* Networking issue
* Expect full-timers to include info
* Secret cabal-driven freezes that aren't communicated
* (leading to people not knowing about freezes occurring and when RN data needed.)
* this is also a comms problem on our part.
* Too many rog
ue documents. 1111
* Getting RPMs pushed - going through f13 takes as much time as building the rpm 11111
* We need to be able to push packages ourselves (i.e. need instructions, guidelines,
* Not enough packagers in Docs
* Only f13 and stickster know how to push RNs -- need more co-maintainers
* Could use more clarity understanding on what is implied by freezes, trans, etc
* Need more interaction with L10n 11
* Bugs not being filled out in tim
ely manner 111
* Many RN bugs arrive at the last minute that were known early on -indeed (SEE ABOVE)
* Need to centralize where bugs are filed (too many choices -- BZ, Trac instances...) 11111
* BZ even has too many subchoices (components, etc.)
* Poor notations on where
/how bugs/issues should be filed 1
* Wiki search
* No good documentation on moving things from wiki to DocBook/Publican stores
* Could use more consistency in wiki markup 1111
* Need better documentation on what we want to use from DocBook markup 111
* N
o good process for dealing with orphan documents 11
* RN documents are not all in one place (about-fedora, readme's, etc.) 1
* Lack of understanding of release schedule process 1
* Publican and Fedora/GNOME lang codes not consistent 1
* Not at all clear how login lang selected is used
* Translators having too much work. 1
* Release notes are ill-defined 1
* Too long for normal users to read
* Beats have inconsistent levels of content
* Need some separation
* We don't know anything about visit statistics for docs.fp.o 111
* We need a more rigorous freeze on wiki release note beats 11
* Notes to f-docs-l, f-trans-l f-dev-l several times before each milestone
* BZ URL ulink default in Publican is unhelpful at best 1
* Not clear if remaining (obsolete? unmaintained?) docs need conversion to Publican
(strikes me as part of undefined orphan process) 1111
* docs.fp.o site sucks (Mo knows) 11111
* Need solution for people to install a doc just for their lang, in their format
* No CMS, no easy publishing, high barrier to participation
* No real indexing...
=== What went right ===
* Many more docs
/guides available than ever before!! (we rocked!)
* The wiki didn't asplode
, but should have. (yay!)
* Everything seemed a lot more organized this release
* + Packaging is easier than it sounds
* + The install guide is awesome
* ++ Some folks really rolled up their sleeves and helped - zoglesby, laubersm, rudi
* much better collaboration this release cycle
* felt far less rushed than F10
* stickster and quaid got out of the way and Sparks got run over
* Brisbane folks represented, yo
* Red Hat relicensed guide material in a way where we can generate community presence around them
TOPIC - F12 and Beyond
Voted for these goals in order of decreasing priority:
* Better communication and interaction with other teams and program manager
* Docs Leader should attend/audit/log/read other project meetings
* L10n
* Design
* Websites
* Appoint liasions to other
sub-projects rather than overloading DPL with meetings
* Release schedule needs to include items for announcements to other teams
* Docs Project sit down (virtually) with poelcat and grok the schedule and release process
* docs.fp.o site sucks (Mo knows)
* Zikula
* Zikula IS
* Track record
* Participation by their upstream in Fedora == BIG +
* Package all the pieces.
* Train the people
Migrate all the EOL guides/docs into it.
* Tagging/categorization of documents by Lang, Release, Format (, subject matter?)
* Eight modules remaining to be packaged (no review BZs yet)
* Pervasive bundling of libraries
* Need to package some PHP libraries to make this happen
* SHA-256 library
* Puppetization of configs has started, but is incomplete
* Infrastructure is blocking on modules/packaging
* Zikula will help with infrastructure testing/tuning
* Need guide for wiki and DocBook markup 11111
* Clean up Help:Editing
* Move many Docs wiki pages to Archive: and start over!
* Create a getting
started guide
that tells you the what and how and provide links to short howtos
* Two docs:
* Quick Start Guide on the wiki
* Documentation Guide in formal repo
* Release Notes Issues
* We need a more rigorous freeze on wiki release note beats 11111
* RN documents are not all in one place (about-fedora, readme's, etc.) 1111
* Two documents... one for
normal users
and one for
advanced users
* Normal users = front-end features -- Created by Mktg & Docs
* Links to the RN
section (Advanced users) for those that want to know more.
* Advanced users = back-end features + front-end features -- Created by Docs
* Schedule
* Marketing completion of talking points/tour
* Tour should provide a link to upgrade page
* Docs editing content
* Has to be ported to the appropriate container (Zikula, website...
, tupperware(TM), ziplock(R) bag?)
* Screen shots have to be done
* Translated
* We don't know anything about visit statistics for docs.fp.o 1111
* Release notes are ill-defined 1111
* One target for bugs, consistent pointers across Publican, wiki, docs website, etc. 1111
* Need to understand release schedule and what is implied by freezes, trans, etc 1111
* Note each line item/milestone on the wiki and explain what are the action items to complete it
* Getting RPMs pushed - going through f13 takes as much time as building the rpm 111
* Need to have process and deal with old/orphaned/rogue wiki documents 111
* (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sparks/BZ_and_Guide_Table)
* Improve understanding and communication with L10n 111
* No good documentation on moving things from wiki to DocBook/Publican stores 11
TOPIC - A non-translator's introduction to the POT/PO model
* Nearly every programming language has a gettext library
* (opened up readme.pot in Gobby)
* <![CDATA[blah]]> will make the string hidden from gettext in XML
* msgid and msgstr
* some tags are left in the msgid (such as <filename/>)
* translated, untranslated, and fuzzy
* it uses an algorithm to decide on whether a new string is fuzzy or brand new
TOPIC - Packaging instruction
# yum install fedora-packager
Zikula modules
Version 3.0.3 - source tagged in SVN here:
This is already being worked on by Lukas
Version 1.0.0 - download here:
the source is probably in SVN somewhere, but not sure where.
- Everyone
*** DONE! ***
I'd take the head: http://code.zikula.org/crptag/browser/trunk, but just in
case it is non functional perhaps we could package 0.1.3 too?
- BZ
SVN Head: http://code.zikula.org/mediaattach/browser/trunk/MediaAttach
- Paul
SVN Head: http://code.zikula.org/mediashare/browser/trunk
INCLUDES: phpPicasa - http://www.cameronhinkle.com/
V3.3 http://cameronhinkle.com/downloads/LightweightPicasaAPIv3.zip
- Lee-nener nener
Version 2.0.1: http://code.zikula.org/bianor/browser/tags/menutree/2.0.1
- BZ
SVN Head: http://code.zikula.org/multihook/browser/trunk/MultiHook
- BZ
Version 3.1: http://code.zikula.org/scribite/browser/tags/scribite/3.1
Custom Modules (no public source (yet))
Custom Theme (no public source)
TOPIC - Perhaps an introduction to DocBook if there is interest
%global zikula_base %{_datadir}/zikula
%global zikula_moddir
%global zikula_modname crpTag
Name: zikula-module-%{zikula_modname}
Version: 0.1.3
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Simple Zikula component for tagging items, based on hooks
Group: Applications/Publishing
License: GPLv2
URL: http://code.zikula.org/crptag
# http://code.zikula.org/crptag/changeset/114/tags/crpTag_0.1.3?old_path=%2F&format=zip
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: zikula
crpTag is a simple Zikula component for tagging items, based on hooks.
%setup -qn tags/
# Remove empty index.html and others
find -size 0 | xargs rm -f
%{__mkdir} -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{zikula_moddir}/%{zikula_modname}
cp -pr . $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{zikula_moddir}/%{zikula_modname}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{zikula_moddir}/%{zikula_modname}/pndocs
%doc pndocs/changelog.txt pndocs/license.txt pndocs/credits.txt
* Sun Jun 14 2009 Fedora Docs Team <docs@fedoraproject.org> - 0.1.3-1
- Initial RPM release