Meetings of the Fedora Websites team will be held regularly.
Meetings will typically be about an hour in length, but may be terminated early if all business is concluded.
Time and Place
Meet on IRC (#fedora-meeting,) time of next meeting: June 23 22:00 UTC
Meeting times alternate by odd and even numbered weeks. To tell what week it is, look on your desktop calendar or use date +%W
- Odd weeks -- 2200 UTC
- Examples: July 7, July 21
- Even weeks -- 2000 UTC
- Examples: July 14, July 28
In each meeting, we wil run down the current tasks list.
- 2008-08-18 - Meeting log
- 2008-07-21 - Meeting Minutes
- 2008-07-07 - Meeting Minutes and Log.
- 2008-06-30 - Meeting Minutes and Log.
- 2008-05-26 - Meeting Minutes and Log.
- 2008-05-19 - Meeting Minutes and Log
- 2008-05-08 - Meeting Minutes and Log
- 2008-04-30 - Meeting Minutes and Log
- 2006-01-17 - Meeting Minutes | Correction