From Fedora Project Wiki
Scott Dowdle

- I've been using Linux since 1995, Red Hat Linux since 1996, and Fedora since Fedora Core 1 was released. I prefer Fedora for desktop usage and am currently running Fedora 10 at home and Fedora 9 at work. On servers I prefer RHEL or CentOS.
- I took the RHCE cram course in 2003 and made a 98% on the exam... although that has since lapsed and I haven't retested. I'd really like to learn SELinux someday as it looks pretty sweet... but just haven't gotten around to it.
- I run the[1] website which is a content hub for LUGs in the state of Montana (USA). So far there is the BozemanLUG (which I'm the leader of), HelenaLUG, BillingsLUG and MissoulaLUG.
- I am very active in the OpenVZ Project[2] and maintain OS Templates for CentOS and Fedora (updated bi-monthly) which can be found in the OpenVZ contrib area[3].
- I've been lucky enough to attend a few Linux oriented shows. I helped staff the OpenVZ booth at LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in 2007 and 2008 in San Francisco... in the .Org Pavilion. I attended Linuxfest Northwest 2007- 2011. At Linuxfest Northwest 2008 I gave a presentation entitled "Hardware/Machine Virtualization vs. OS Virtualization". In 2009 I gave a presentation entitled "OpenVZ Project Update". At the 2009 Utah Open Source Conference I gave a presentation on OpenVZ.
- Email:
- IRC: I hang out on #fedora-kde, #openvz, and #ubuntu-montana with the registered nick of dowdle. I visit the #fedora channel sometimes but the channel traffic is so heavy it is hard for me to keep up with so I don't hang out there all of the time. #ubuntu-montana really isn't used much as an Ubuntu channel... it is for all Linux users in Montana and there are Fedora users, CentOS users, Gentoo users, etc.
Activities within and without Fedora
- I have been promoting Red Hat and Fedora for many years by writing articles and reviews for my website and by burning CDs and DVDs to give away at LUG meetings.
- I participate on a number of Fedora and Red Hat mailing lists... and am a frequent commenter.
- I have a personal Fedora Remix that I call MontanaLinux which I have been building every release since Fedora 9 for both i686 and x86_64 using the standard livecd-tools. It is primarily a collection of all of the packages I like including all of the desktop environments / managers, a large selection of desktop apps... and several third-party packages from RPMFusion for multimedia playback. It boots into KDE by default. I don't customize it very much other than to add some Montana nature shots for the live media and the grub splash screens. I rebuild it after every big push of updates so it is as current as possible... unlike the stock Fedora install media a month or two after release. I don't really promote it as I don't have the bandwidth for many people to download it but the configs I use are available [4].
- At some point in the future, I want to see if I can get the Fedora Project interested in making OpenVZ a stock part of the distro and / or putting some focus on Linux native containers (LXC).
- I'm the SysAdmin for the Computer Science Department (soon to be the "Gianforte School of Computing) in the College of Engineering at Montana State University Bozeman. I manage several student computer labs. The PCs are dual-boot with Fedora and Windows 7.
- I teach an undergraduate Linux Systems Administration class and expose the students mostly to Fedora and CentOS.