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Revision as of 11:52, 2 August 2017 by Churchyard (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Platform Python Stack: Roamap = There should be a copr repo where this all happens. In order to have permission, it has been created in the python-sig group: https://copr.f...")
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Platform Python Stack: Roamap

There should be a copr repo where this all happens. In order to have permission, it has been created in the python-sig group:

  • create the platform-python package
    • by cstratak
    • stdlib and site-packages installs to /usr/lib(64)/platform-python
    • /usr/libexec/platform-python
    • python3-config to platform-python-config, make it work
    • to, make it work
    • probably drop tkinter and tools until proven needed
  • create macros from the example specfile
    • put them to python-rpm-macros
  • adjust the python(abi) requires/provides mechanism
    • it should require/provide platform-python(abi) for stuff in /usr/lib(64)/platform-python
    • the code lives in the rpm package
  • add platform supackages to setuptools, pip, wheel
    • bootstrap built them (see python3.spec for build order)
    • check if the platform-python(abi) works
  • rebuild platform-python with rewheel
  • start adding platform-python subpackages up until dnf
    • if present, remove the system python abi macro and/or shabeng adjusting for system-python
  • make /usr/bin/dnf use /usr/libexec/platform-python, make it require platform-python-dnf instead of python3-dnf