Matthew Miller
I've been involved in Fedora since 2004. I helped organize the first official Fedora conferences at Boston University, worked on the original Fedora Legacy project, hacked on Anaconda for Boston University's remix, and some other stuff (including maintaining a few packages). Now I work for Red Hat and am paid to care about Fedora full time, as Fedora Project Leader. I serve as chair of the Fedora Council, our top-level leadership and governance body.
Previously, I worked on the Fedora Cloud Image and the Cloud SIG. I've been a member of FESCo (the Fedora technical steering committee), and written for Fedora Magazine. For a while, I did a series called Five Things in Fedora This Week, with the intention of helping to improve communication across the project as a whole. (The magazine has really taken off since then, so 5tFTW is on hiatus.)
I like logic models. They're a simple tool to connect what we are doing to what we want to accomplish, and can be used for both planning and execution. Russ Allbery, over at Debian, once described free software distribution development as a process of "tepid change for the somewhat better." It's hard work and can feel very slow and it's sometimes hard to make all the connections, so it's good to have a map.
I am interested in anything and everything related to Fedora's success (so, correspondingly, please feel free to complain to me about anything). The best place to talk about Fedora strategy and direction is the Fedora Council discussion list.
- Homepage: Matthew Miller
- E-mail: (You can guess, or you can click here to get it.)
- IRC Nick: mattdm
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