Outline for media coverage (to be expanded on in this Wiki) -- it has not been formatted yet.
In no particular order and certainly not in order of importance. Each item will be expanded upon in the completed wiki page
As representatives of Fedora, ambassadors have many opportunities to promote Fedora on a one-to-one basis, or to promote Fedora to small groups.
Ambassadors also have the unique opportunity to promote Fedora on a local level through their local news media. This would include, but would not be limited to, press releases and press contacts regarding Fedora-based activities and events in an ambassador's area.
The aim of this wiki is to help ambassadors get the most from their opportunities in promoting Fedora in their local news media. It is not a substitute for Fedora policy -- past, present or future -- regarding contacting and/or releasing news to the media.
[More to follow]
Part One: Getting it together
I. Compile media list of local outlets
a. Newspapers i. dailies ii. weeklies b. Broadcast i. television ii. radio c. Web i. community based
Part Two: What to report
II. Reporting events
a. Fedora releases b. Activities related to a. c. Other activities related to Fedora i. local speakers on Fedora, etc.
Part Three: Getting your news out
III. Press releases -- How to
a. timetable/frequency b. writing i. content and length ii. contact information iii. supporting materials c. delivery of release d. follow-up with reporter/editor
Part Four: Cultivating your media contacts
IV. Cultivating media contacts
a. What to do b. What NOT to do
Part Five: You're on the air . . .
V. Finding yourself on television/radio
a. What to do b. What NOT to do
[More to follow]