The procedure for getting a package in EPEL
If you are already a Fedora contributor, for your own package use the standard procedures for requesting a new release branch.
Otherwise, if you'd like to see a Fedora package in EPEL that is not yet available, check Fedora's dist-git or Bugzilla and look up who owns the package in Fedora.
If the Fedora maintainer of the package has indicated a desire not to participate in EPEL then the proposed EPEL maintainer can request the branch directly via the standard procedures. The proposed EPEL maintainer should CC the Fedora maintainer on the branch request, so the Fedora maintainer knows that the package is maintained in EPEL as well. Additionally, please note that that the Fedora maintainer is not interested in EPEL in your request.
If it is unclear if the Fedora maintainer of the package intends to participate in EPEL then the proposed EPEL maintainer should file a bug against the package and ask about their plans for EPEL in general and the package at hand. If there is no answer within seven days the proposed EPEL maintainer is free to request the EPEL branch and become the EPEL Maintainer (CC the Fedora maintainer here as well).
If the Fedora maintainer later decides to participate in EPEL, then the Fedora maintainer will become co-maintainer for EPEL. (Of course co-maintainership can be extended to Fedora).
You can use the following templates to contact fedora contributors who have not stated that they are not interested in EPEL.
Template 1
Hello {{ FILL IN MAINTAINER NAME }} I am using {{ FILL IN OS }} and am using various packages in the EPEL repository. I am interested in seeing {{ FILL IN PACKAGE }} add to EPEL. Would it be possible for you to maintain the package in EPEL? If not do you know of a maintainer who could help you with it? While EPEL is more conservative in package maintenance, it does allow for updates to later versions when needed. If you are not interested in EPEL or don't feel like you have the time to put your packages into EPEL, the EPEL project would like to request that a co-maintainer who is a part of EPEL be added to your packages. The EPEL team appreciate your help with EPEL. [1] [2] [3]