PHP Special Interest Group
Para ajudar os empacotadores a trazer pacotes com o PHP para o Fedora e auxiliar na sua manutenção contínua, fornecendo revisões oportunas, atuando como proprietários de pacotes secundários e auxiliando com problemas de segurança relacionados.
Você pode contatar membros do PHP SIG na de discussão php-devel php-devel . Todos os membros do PHP SIG são incentivados a inscrever-se.
Packagers/Reviewers/People interested in helping
PHP SIG Documentation
- PHP Guidelines
- Review Tips (and Guidelines clarification)
- Packaging Tips
- PHP CI - Koschei
Problems that need to be addressed
- The .spec file template for PEAR packages can be found at PearSpecTemplate
- PECL extension should be able to requires the exact "Zend Module Api Version"
- [DONE] All PEAR packages call 'pear install' during the %post phase of RPM, but rpmlint issues a Warning: dangerous-command-in-%post install
- This has been fixed in upstream rpmlint. See bug 198705
- [DONE] The PHP Packaging Guidelines have been finalized and accepted. The guidelines can be found at ["Packaging/PHP"]
PHP-related applications/scripts/modules that would be nice to have in Fedora: