Když se nový spisovatel/editor připojí k Dokumentačnímu projektu, požádáme ho/ji, aby se představil(a) v mailové konferenci Dokumentačního týmu Fedora. Chcete-li se zaregistrovat, navštivte stránku registrace do mailové konference. Primárním účelem tohoto procesu je zahájení procesu budování důvěry tím, že se seznámíme s novými spisovateli/editory a stáhneme si jejich GPG klíč.
The purpose of all this is to break anonymity and foster real-world community within the project. You are under no obligation to reveal personal secrets. The objective is to establish a level of trust with yourself and the other members of the project.
Let us know what kind of topics you're interested in and what time zone you are in. We'd like to pair you with a mentor to help you get started.
A question to keep in mind is:
~+What do you want to know about people before working with and trusting them?+~
Then tell us what you would want to know about yourself.
- Self-Introduction:
- What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
- What level and type of computer skills do you have?
- What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills), programming, etc.
- What makes you an excellent match for the project?
- GPG KEYID and fingerprint
- See Creating GPG Keys for help and instructions if you don't have a GPG key.
- Be sure that your GPG key is uploaded to pgp.mit.edu. Use "gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYID".
- Your GPG fingerprint is 40 hexadecimal characters long, while your KEYID is the last 8 digits.
- Below is an example of the GPG text suitable for cut & paste into your self-introduction e-mail.
- Let us know what kind of topics you're interested in and what time zone you are in. We'd like to pair you with a mentor to help you get started.
[warren@computer ~] # gpg --fingerprint 54A2ACF1 pub 1024D/54A2ACF1 2002-11-25 Warren Togami (Linux) <warren@togami.com> Key fingerprint = 785A 304B 08C1 F291 F54F 9A68 6BDD FE8E 54A2 ACF1 sub 2048g/4AD75982 2002-11-25 [expires: 2007-11-24]