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Revision as of 17:04, 13 March 2018 by Zdenek (talk | contribs) (Translation)

Toto není úvodní stránka Stát se velvyslancem, tam začněte nejprve!

Mentor je partner, který v8s sponzoruje!

Mentoři jsou zkušení velvyslanci, kteří vám pomohou se rychle aklimatizovat v práci, která je od velvyslanců očekávána a zajišťují, aby velvyslanci v rámci Fedory podali odpovídající práci pro její řádnou reprezentaci.

  • Prosím, neočekávejte okamžitou odpověď. Většina mentorů má zaměstnání na plný úvazek, rodiny a mnoho zodpovědností v rámci Fedory. Prosím, buďte trpěliví.
  • Mentor NEBUDE iniciovat kontakt s vámi. Vy MUSÍTE iniciovat kontakt s mentorem.
  • Upozorňujeme také, že mentor není povinen vás přijmout. Možná budete muset vyzkoušet několik mentorů, než zjistíte, kdo má čas a prostor pro váš mentoring.

Výběr mentora

Each major region has a list of possible Regional Ambassador Mentors. Please contact the Mentor via email and introduce yourself. Please include the following information:

  • Your main purpose for joining the Fedora Ambassadors.
    • Note: The mentor may ask you to expand upon this if it's incomplete, or seems inconsistent with the goals of the Fedora Ambassadors.
  • Your Fedora user wiki page. If you have not yet created your user page, please visit this page. The mentor will reject your application if you do not have a Fedora user wiki page.
  • A bit of information about what you have done so far to promote Fedora amongst your peers/friends.

This email will help the Mentor to assess your suitability to be an ambassador.

Regional Ambassador Mentors

You can obtain help from one of these mentors from your region. Please note that the status indicates whether an ambassador is available or unavailable. Sending an email to a mentor who is unavailable or outside your region will result in an unspecified delay!!!
"Regional Ambassador Mentors are a group of people - selected, proposed and appointed by people - not by a leveling system - based on trust (and a lot of soft facts). Prospective mentors are nominated by existing Mentors or a Region and confirmed by FAmSCo - [1]. If you want to be a mentor for the Ambassador group, be a good ambassador and if asked, volunteer to help, when needed. One great way to prepare is, to be a good mentor for the project as a whole." Mentors follow a defined process for helping candidates join the Ambassadors program.

North America (NA)


Latin America and Mexico (LATAM)


Europe, Middle-East, Africa (EMEA)


Asia-Pacific (APAC)

APAC Oceania
APAC Greater China / 大中華地區
APAC India
If you are a student from India, we encourage you to participate in one of the various projects within Fedora before applying to become an Ambassador. We believe that this provides you with the necessary skills and experience to handle the responsibilities expected of a Fedora Ambassador. The various projects can be seen at Please subscribe to the fedora-india mailing list and join us at #fedora-india on IRC for guidance.