#!html <div style="height:66px; width:100%; background-color:#002867;"> <a href = "http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork"> <img style="float:right;padding-top:3px;" src="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ArtTeamN1.png" /></a> </div> <HR style="height:2px; background-color:#00578E;" />
#!html <div style="float: right; border: 2px solid #939393; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em; background-color: #fff;">
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我们(artTeam)是Fedora工程的美术设计团队。我们的主要兴趣是: 1. 为Fedora社区设计和创作图形元素,以及 2. 推广Fedora中的创作工具。
- 成为Fedora社区的"设计公司":针对社区的需求,为Fedora进行美术创作和设计。
- 量化:让Fedora社区对我们的服务的了解,获得并满足来自社区的需求(比如说,每个月最少5个)
- 为了让人们了解FOSS对于创作性文本的重要性,我们为用户提供在Fedora平台上使用FOSS创作工具的帮助资源(包括教程,评估,建议),并且鼓励人们使用FOSS创作工具。这些资源都应该是基于开放许可的。为了演示FOSS工具,我们使用FOSS工具来进行美术创作。
- 量化:提供给社区至少1种基于开放许可证的资源(比如,教程,文章,艺术评估,定期课程,定期见面会)。
- 使社区创作者们的工作更容易
- 量化:每三个月内至少吸收一位新创作者(比如,最少每三个月内有一个新人请求加入我们的团队)。
- Hackergotchi Design - 总算是连接到 Planet Fedora ([1] ) 上了。 也想要一个hackergotchi? 到这里来申请一个吧!
- Web Graphic Design or Interaction Design - 想给你的Fedora Web应用添加漂亮的图标和模板么?想要提升你的应用程序的可用性但是却无从下手?想在Fedora Wiki上推广你的应用程序但是却为好的Banner而苦恼?来这里看看吧!
- Marketing Collateral Design - Fedora大使们,Fedora市场团队的成员们:需要为活动准备海报横幅么?需要CD/DVD标签,T-shirt,或者其他带图的东西来帮助你们的活动么?来这里!
- Documentation Illustration - 在为Fedora写How-to或者参考手册么?需要插图,图表或者图标么?来这里!
Here are some of the art-related resources for the general Fedora Community:
- ["Logo"] - Information about the Fedora logo, including usage guidelines and how to get the source artwork.
- MarketingCollateral - This page features banners, posters, etc. - artwork for practical physical application.
- Widgets - All websites and user interfaces are full of widgets, such as buttons, banners and captions. Submit your Fedora-specific widgets here.
- Theming Overview - Documentation on how to theme the way Fedora looks.
- Bluecurve Icon Theme - the Bluecurve icon theme has historically been Fedora's icon theme, and the artwork is GPL and the SVG source artwork is available for it, making it a great graphics resource.
- Echo Icon Theme - A new icon theme aiming to replace Bluecurve for Fedora.
- CDArt - Fedora CD/DVD Artwork
- SoC Posters - Google summer of code posters
- Alternative Themes - 如果你想给你的Fedora系统开发新的主题,或者想研究制作主题的技术细节,可能你会想要加入本项目。本项目的主要目标是
- 为变换Fedora的外观设计多种主题。
- 让切换主题变得简单方便。
- 设计基于RSS的墙纸自动变换系统
- Customization made easy - 目标:
- 制作关于自定义Fedora外观主题的文档,以指导基于Fedora的新发行版和其他主题设计者。
- Free and Open Source Creative Tools - Promotion & Marketing - Fedora is a free and open source project, and there are a number of creative tools that are part of it. Because we believe in Fedora, we use the tools provided in Fedora. These project involves:
- providing help/tutorials/advice in the use of the FOSS creative tools in Fedora
- working to promote the usage of FOSS creative tools and advocating the usage of Fedora (and/or any FOSS software) to creative people outside the FOSS world
- Upstream Icon SVG+CSS integration with GNOME Art / Tango teams - see [2] for more details.
- Communication/Marketing - this project involves making it easier for artists to share their Fedora-related wallpapers and artworks. Some goals of this team:
- The deployment / maintenance of a system like art.gnome.org for Fedora;
- Setting up an art-team planet for artists to post their feeds of artwork and discuss their current projects and plans
- Expanding the Fedora Art Mugshot group
- A designalogue-like (www.designalogue.com) system where we can comment on and track the family tree of the stuff we work on.
- Fedora Games SIG Artwork - interested in developing artwork for some of the games in Fedora? This is a good project to start out with.
- EchoCursors - This project aims to create new cursor theme for future releases of Fedora, replacing the aging Blucurve cursors.
Fedora Artwork Guidelines
There are basic rules and guidelines that all artwork in Fedora must follow. We have outlined many of them below. Other rules may also apply:
- Submissions should be made in formats that can be read by software available in Fedora Package Collection. Preferred image formats include SVG and PNG. Preferred sound formats include WAV, FLAC and OGG Vorbis. Master files, which may be further edited, should be maintained in non-lossy formats. Preserving vector graphics, raster layers and channels is important for such materials.
- No Fedora artwork should contain hats, particularly fedoras. This is a matter of respect for our biggest sponsor, Red Hat, Inc., and is not negotiable. Of course, passive appearance of hats, such as those upon heads in a crowd, may be tolerable.
- All contributions must be covered by the Contributor License Agreement . We cannot accept contributions from individuals who have not signed the CLA in the Fedora Account System . The CLA allows us to properly license artwork submissions for distribution with Fedora and other Fedora projects.
- Submissions must respect artwork licensing. If your submissions consist of artwork created by other people, please make sure the license of the original work you incorporate is compatible with Fedora and that you are not violating any of the provisions of its license. Just because a work is licensed with a Creative Commons license does not mean it is free to use (make sure you provide attribution to artists that license their work with a CC Attribution clause.)
- 不要版本号。 最终用户可能会在新的Fedora中使用老的主题,也可能会在老的Fedora中使用新的主题。所以我们不给Fedora artwork标记特定的版本号。
1. 加入 mailing list . 1. 在 Fedora Account System 注册一个帐号。 1. 在 Account System 完成 CLA 协议. 1. 在 Account System 中加入 'art' 组. 1. 跟 contributor 中的人联系以加入 EditGroup. 也可以到 #fedora-art 或者 #fedora-websites freenode 寻找帮助. 1. 把自己加入 Contributors list .
我们在fedora-art-list@redhat.com 讨论关于 Fedora Artwork 工程的话题。可以用gmane来浏览这个列表: [3] .
位于freenode 的 #fedora-art 频道。
RSS Feeds
以下 RSS feeds 同 artTeam 相关: