Cette page présente les anomalies courantes de Fedora 28 et, si disponible, leur correction ou solution de contournement. Si vous trouvez votre problème dans cette page, ne remplissez pas un rapport d’anomalie pour lui, sauf à recevoir des instructions explicites pour le faire. Lorsque la chose est appropriée, une référence à l’anomalie courante dans Bugzilla est incluse.
Notes de version
Lisez l’annonce de libération de F28 Béta pour des informations spécifiques sur les changements apportés dans Fedora 28 et pour d’autres informations plus générales.
Mon anomalie n’apparaît pas
Toutes les anomalies ne sont pas listées dans cette page, mais Bugzilla devrait être une base de données complète sur les anomalies connues. Cette page est un échantillon des anomalies les plus communément discutées sur nos listes de diffusion et sur les forums.
Pour savoir si votre anomalie a déjà été rapportée, vous pouvez rechercher dans Bugzilla. Si elle n’a pas encore été rapportée, nous vous encourageons à le faire afin d’aider Fedora dans votre intérêt et dans celui des autres. Un guide sur les anomalies et demandes de fonctionnalités a été créé pour vous aider.
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- l'ajouter vous-même, si vous avez un accès à ce wiki. Common_bugs_instructions vous guide sur la manière d’ajouter une entrée à la page correctement, mais la chose la plus importante est de vous assurer que l’anomalie est listée — ne vous inquiétez pas trop si vous n’obtenez pas le bon format d’emblée, nous pouvons améliorer la chose ultérieurement.
- Ou, ajouter le mot clé « CommonBugs » au rapport d’anomalie. Quelqu’un de l’équipe QA inspectera l’anomalie pour savoir s’il faut l’ajouter en tant qu’anomalie commune. Pour envoyer votre requête, ajoutez un commentaire à l’anomalie qui comprend
- un résumé de l’anomalie
- tout moyen de contournement connu
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- CommonBugs? (anomalies avec le mot clé CommonBugs, mais qui n’a pas encore de lien vers cette page)
- CommonBugs+(anomalies avec le mot clé CommonBugs et contenant un lien vers cette page)
Problèmes d’installation
Switching keyboard layout with key combo does not work in Wayland
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1389959
If you're running Workstation Live install media and configure multiple languages in the installer, you won't be able to switch between them using the standard system shortcut (typically ⊞ Win+Space or Alt+⇧ Shift). However, you can still click on the language indicator in the installer with the mouse and that will switch the languages.
This does not affect other install media (KDE Live, DVD and netinst images).
Keyboard layout selected during installation of Fedora Workstation Live is not applied to the installed system
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1561864
If you select a different keyboard layout during installation of Fedora Workstation Live image, the installed system will still use default English layout. A workaround is to install from a netinst image, or configure the layout once again in the installed system.
Installer on several live images does not offer iSCSI support
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1395620 - Bugzilla: #1429132
On many or all Fedora Live images, the installer will not offer iSCSI functionality (the "Add iSCSI target" button will not appear in the 'Specialized & Network Disks' screen). You can avoid the problem by running sudo dnf install udisks2-iscsi
from a console before starting the install process, or by installing from a dedicated installer image rather than a live image.
Upgrade issues
Upgrade from Fedora 26 might fail due to rich dependencies
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1552547
When you upgrade from Fedora 26 to Fedora 27 or 28, the transaction might get aborted immediately due to target packages having rich dependencies. The list of such packages as of Mar 2018 is available in bug 1552547. Eventually, the intended solution is to send updated dnf+rpm into Fedora 26 to handle this transaction properly. In the meantime, the easiest workaround is to remove affected packages before doing the upgrade, and install them back in the upgraded system.
GRUB update might fail if /boot is on XFS
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1227736
If you use XFS filesystem on /boot
and upgrade your system, you might end up in a GRUB minimal prompt (just a command prompt, no kernel to choose from interactively) after the upgrade is complete. The problem is in the system rebooting while XFS is in dirty state and not all changes being saved to the filesystem yet.
In order to prevent this issue, you might try to disable plymouth (by removing rhgb
kernel boot option) during the upgrade or uninstall it prior the upgrade (these workarounds were not tested).
If this already occurred to you, you should be able to fix the problem by booting a Live or rescue image, mounting the filesystem in question (which should replay the journal), perhaps running xfs_repair
to make sure there are no more issues. In the worst case, you'll also need to fully re-install grub.
Core system issues
Installing more than one module in the same transaction does not work correctly
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1561816
When using the new Add-on Modularity function in Fedora 28, if you try to install more than one module in the same transaction - e.g. by running dnf module install nodejs:9/default reviewboard:2.5/server
- this will not work as expected. Only the last-named module will be installed immediately, but the other module(s) will be installed on the next dnf update
. This can be worked around by only installing one module per transaction.
GNOME issues
Wayland issues
Wayland is the replacement for the legacy X11 display stack. Although development has been rapid and Wayland is usable in most situations, some bugs remain. Please see the following link to learn the details:
Please check the list for your issue before you file a new bug, although if you're not sure, filing a new bug is the right thing to do.
Wayland is currently enabled by default only in GNOME. If you want to disable it, select GNOME on Xorg as session type when logging in (you only see this screen if your user has a password defined):
Autosuspend kicks in unexpectedly in GNOME
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1556790
GNOME 3.28 now automatically suspends the system after 20 minutes of user inactivity. However, this idleness timer is currently broken and if some application suppresses suspend and then releases it, the timer doesn't reset, and instead suspends your system immediately. This is most frequently visible when watching a movie in a movie player or a web browser - if you watch a video longer than the configured autosuspend timeout (20 minutes by default) and not perform any keyboard/mouse actions in the meantime, the system will autosuspend immediately after the movie ends, without giving you any option to prevent that.
The easiest workaround is to disable autosuspend in GNOME settings.
System automatically suspends after 20 minutes when in GDM, even when autosuspend is disabled
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1558485
GNOME 3.28 now automatically suspends the system after 20 minutes of user inactivity. Even if you disable/adjust this functionality in GNOME Settings, it only applies to your particular user session only, and does not affect the default system behavior, which is used when the local screen shows a GDM screen. This will affect you e.g. when you log out or switch between users, when you just start the machine without logging in and access it remotely (file sharing, ssh), etc. With some desktop environments, like Fluxbox, your system will also immediately suspend when you log out.
You can disable (or configure) auto-suspend system-wide by creating a file /etc/dconf/db/local.d/00-autosuspend
with this or similar contents:
[org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power] # Do not autosuspend sleep-inactive-ac-type='nothing' sleep-inactive-battery-type='nothing'
and running:
sudo dconf update
Totem and Cheese fail on Wayland in virtual machines
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1467368
Totem (Videos) will fail to play media when using a Wayland session in virtual machines (applies to default libvirt VMs, but not VirtualBox). The audio will play, but neither video nor a totem window will appear. If you need to play media in this environment, please either use X11 session, or a different media player.
Cheese fails to start in a similar fashion. Because VMs usually don't have a webcam, this doesn't limit users in any way.
Scroll events are not sent into virtual machines from touchpad/trackpoint under Wayland
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1386602
Under Wayland, sending scroll events into a virtual machine works well when using the mouse, but doesn't work when using touchpad or trackpoint. As a workaround, switch to Xorg session on your host.
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1497897
Some users have reported that, sometimes, the icon and text of the VPN entry in the GNOME status menu (the one that appears when you click the top-right of the screen) does not appear. Usually it will show a lock icon and the text 'VPN Off' (or information on any active VPN connection), but it appears that occasionally the icon and text do not appear; the menu just appears to contain an entirely empty row. The entry does function as intended.
No fix for this issue is yet known, but it has no functional impact - you can still use the 'empty' menu item.
Plasma (KDE) issues
Network issues
Hardware issues
Application issues
ARM issues
Fedora Server issues
Fedora Cloud issues
Fedora Atomic issues
Cinnamon in QEMU/KVM
Cinnamon Beta 1.3 live.iso only runs openbox
How to install:
- liveuser login (no password)
- openbox-terminal (right click on blank screen for menu)
- su liveinst
- after install reboot in terminal
- login
- openbox-terminal
- su dnf update (349)
- reboot to cinnamon (defaults to fallback mode cinnamon)
Soas issues
Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1519042 soas starts in journal: This can be confusing for users
Fix by hitting f1 key then f3 key to get to main menu
Other issues
Hibernation doesn't work from a standard install
link to this item - Bugzilla: #1206936
The systemd-hibernate generator used to handle resume from hibernate functionality expects a resume=/path/to/swap
in the kernel args. Anaconda does not add this into /etc/default/grub
and the dracut cmdline generator doesn't act in a way the systemd hibernate generator can locate the swap with the resume image.
To work around this, check the devmapper path to the swap via swapon -s
command and add it to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX
entry in /etc/default/grub
, then regenerate the grub.cfg
file used:
- Via grub2-mkconfig:
- For BIOS systems:
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
- For EFI systems:
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
- For BIOS systems:
- Via grubby:
sudo grubby --args=resume=/path/to/swap --update-kernel=$(grubby --default-kernel)