This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project.
Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee
2008-10-14 Declared Fedora 10 Package Translation Deadline
The last date for submission of translations for Fedora 10 packages was announced[1] as 2008-10-14 (Tuesday). This announcement was made after an unanimous decision by the Fedora L10n Steering Committee (FLSCo) members. The last date for the translation of Documents remains as 2008-10-21 (Tuesday).
A request for rebuilding of packages post the translation freeze date, was also made[2] to the @fedora-devel-announcement list.
"Maintainers of the above packages need to put a reminder to issue a new build *later* than this date and before the Development Freeze of 21/10. The closer to the development freeze the rebuild takes place, the better for our translators. If you have not received any translations since the last build, a rebuild is not necessary."
Renewed Call for Volunteers for the L10n Infrastructure
Another call was made[3] at the FLSCo meeting held[ on 16th September 2008[4] seeking volunteers for the Fedora L10n infrastructure. The earlier call was made[5] in April 2008.
Meanwhile, Asgeir Frimannsson announced[6] a proposed plan for a new L10n infrastructure which is currently being discussed[7] in various relevant mailing lists.