All the strings starting with $ and in uppercase need to be replaced with the correct value.
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Entry/post name
The name of the post will be composed by the string "Fedora Classroom" followed by the name of the session, by example:
- Fedora Classroom: Containers 101 with Podman
- Fedora Classroom: Fedora Modularity 101
- Fedora Classroom Session: Ansible 101/102
First Paragraph
Fedora Classroom sessions continue next week with a session on $TOPIC. The general schedule for sessions appears on the wiki. You can also find resources and recordings from previous sessions there. Here are details about this week’s session on ($WEEKDAY, $MONTH $DAYNUMBER at $HOUR UTC). That link allows you to convert the time to your timezone.
(Note: Check out The World Clock Meeting Planner for time zone syncing.)
Second Paragraph: Topic
Topic abstract, provided by the instructor
Classroom Agenda
Agenda, provided by the instructor, the next format is recommended:
Here’s the agenda for the Classroom session:
1. First element 1. Second element 1. Third element