All the strings starting with $ and in uppercase need to be replaced with the correct value.
Magazine Login
Entry/post name
The name of the post will be composed by the string "Fedora Classroom" followed by the name of the session, by example:
- Fedora Classroom: Containers 101 with Podman
- Fedora Classroom: Fedora Modularity 101
- Fedora Classroom Session: Ansible 101/102
First Paragraph
Fedora Classroom sessions continue next week with a session on $TOPIC. The general schedule for sessions appears on the wiki. You can also find resources and recordings from previous sessions there. Here are details about this week’s session on $WEEKDAY, $MONTH $DAYNUMBER at $HOUR UTC. That link allows you to convert the time to your timezone.
(Note: Check out The World Clock Meeting Planner for time zone syncing and then edit the last link)
Second Paragraph: Topic
Topic abstract, provided by the instructor
Classroom Agenda
Agenda, provided by the instructor, the next format is recommended:
Here’s the agenda for the Classroom session:
- First element
- Second element
- Third element
Instructor(s) biography
provided by the instructor, similar to the next examples:
Geoffrey Marr, also known by his IRC name as “coremodule,” is a Red Hat employee and Fedora contributor with a background in Linux and cloud technologies. While working, he spends his time lurking in the Fedora QA wiki and test pages. Away from work, he enjoys RaspberryPi projects, especially those focusing on software-defined radio.
Vipul Siddharth is an intern at Red Hat who also works on Fedora. He loves to contribute to open source and seeks opportunities to spread the word of free and open source software.
Joining the session
The "Joining the session" section will be over IRC or BlueJeans/Jitsi
Bluejeans or Jitsi
This session takes place on Blue Jeans. The following information will help you join the session:
We hope you attend, learn from, and enjoy this session. Also, If you have any feedback about the sessions, have ideas for a new one or want to host a session, feel free to comment on this post or edit the Classroom wiki page.
Since this is a hands-on session, it will be useful to have a Linux installation to follow it properly. This session will be held via IRC and the following information will help you join the session:
URL (IRC vía web browser): Server: Channel: #fedora-classroom
We hope you attend and enjoy this session!
use the "classroom" tag
Featured Image
Select the fedora-classroom as featured image