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Fedora Events: LinuxDay 2019 - Dornbirn, Austria

LiunxDay is a small event in Austria near the Swiss, German, and Lichtenstein border with around 500 visitors.

When and Where

  • Date : Saturday, end of November
  • Location : Dornbirn
  HTL Dornbirn
  Höchsterstr. 73
  A-6851 Dornbirn 
  • Time : 09:00 till 18:00

Booth People


This things are free of charge.

  • Space
  • one table
  • WLAN-Internet-Access and electricity
  • one poster and space for this poster (Size A1 (594 × 841 mm))
  • no extra lights (spots)

There is no more or special equipment needed for the booth.


  • no talk this year

  • Just stickers and pins


  • ...
