Fedora Weekly News Issue 148
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 148 for the week ending October 19, 2008.
The preparations for Fedora 10 and beyond are reflected in this weeks issue: "Announcements" alerts us to "Fedora Test Day"; "Documentation" conveys a request for "Lead Writers"; "Developments" examines "Review-o-matic" which may help triage our ever-expanding package repositories; "Translation" explains the "String Freeze Breaks" occasioned by the imminent release of Fedora 10; "Artwork" dives into icon controversy with "No Echo for Fedora 10 CD/DVD"; the latest "SecurityAdvisories" are worth checking out; and finally "Virtualization" shares some tips on "Starting Guests from a Desktop Icon" and the latest "Experimental User Mode Linux Driver".
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