Fcitx 5 is the successor of Fcitx 4. Fcitx 5 have many improvements compared to Fcitx 4, for example better Wayland support and the new addon-loader. And from 4 to 5, it isn't a routine update, they have different filesystem structure, different configuration methods and etc., migrating your data from 4 to 5 is not easy right now. So just take Fcitx 5 as a brand new IME.
Main program and config tool
- fcitx5
- fcitx5-configtool now including kcm files, kcm-fcitx5 will become a separate package since fcitx5-configtool-0-0.3
IM modules
- fcitx5-qt
- fcitx5-gtk
Language support
- fcitx5-chinese-addons
- fcitx5-rime
- fcitx5-skk
- fcitx5-chewing
- fcitx5-kkc
Addon engine
- fcitx5-lua
Install main program and config tool, IM modules,and choose a language engine you like.
In case of X11
If you are using X11, see $XDG_SESSION_TYPE
to determine, run sudo alternatives --config xinputrc
and choose fcitx5, and relogin, it is done.
In case of Wayland
Create a file containing:
export INPUT_METHOD=fcitx5 export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx5 export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx5 export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx5
to /etc/profile.d/
, or any place that will be sourced during your login.
Or set by gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/IMModule':<'fcitx5'>}"
and run ln -s /usr/share/applications/fcitx5.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
to make fcitx5 start with your login.
Tips: if you are using Gnome, Gnome extension kimpanel is highly recommended.