From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 10:16, 4 September 2020 by Fujiwara (talk | contribs) (Update for Fedora 33)


This test is to check if input displayed and prints correctly in applications such as

  • LibreOffice
  • Evolution
  • Terminal
  • gnome-software
  • Firefox
  • KWrite

How to test

  1. See QA:Testcase_i18n_input_method to check if the input method is enabled
  2. Open an application, left click Ibus input method framework icon in the panel to select the input method.
  3. Input some texts like words, numbers, special characters into application.
  4. Select File -> Print to print out the page.
  5. Same codepoints have duplicated glyphs and glphs has been taken for the language of the current engine by default in non-GNOME desktops since Fedora 33
    1. Log into XFCE4 desktop with ja_JP.UTF-8 locale
    2. Enable ibus-libpinyin and type "zhi"
    3. The candidate list has "直" and the glyph is Chinese (language of ibus-libpinyin)
    4. Run ibus-setup and Select "Advance" tab and disable "Choose glyphs with input method's language..." check button
    5. Now the candidate list has "直" and the glyph is Japanese (language from the desktop locale)

Expected Results

  1. Characters are displayed properly and not corrupted in applications.
  2. Words are printed out without error.