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Revision as of 12:35, 27 September 2008 by Bbbush (talk | contribs) (Zh TW/首頁 moved to Zh/Main Page: 由 zh 页面引用,成为中文版的默认主页(becomes default))

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Fedora 計畫

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Fedora 40發佈資訊彙整包含了最新發佈版本的內容彙整。



Fedora Sub-Projects For Contributors

Fedora Packaging
Packages programs for distribution through yum
Fedora Live CD
Produces Live CDs for easier testing and installation
Fedora Documentation
Writes documentation for Fedora
Fedora Ambassadors
Spreads Fedora around the globe
Fedora Marketing
Promotes the usage and support of Fedora worldwide
Fedora Bug Triage
Aids developers and users in fixing bugs
Fedora Quality Assurance
Prevents and fixes bugs for a better Fedora
Fedora Directory Server
Provides an enterprise-class LDAP server for Linux
Fedora Infrastructure
Provides servers, tools and utilities for the Fedora Project
Planet Fedora
Displays blogs of Fedora contributors
Fedora Websites
Designs and builds Fedora Project websites
Fedora Artwork
Designs themes, icons, and other Fedora designs
Fedora L10N
Brings everything around Fedora to local communities
Fedora I18N
Supports the localization of Fedora
Fedora Games
Games and fun things available with Fedora
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Fedora Events
Events of the Fedora community
View All Special Interest Groups (SIGs)...