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Revision as of 16:34, 9 January 2009 by Johannbg (talk | contribs) (→‎Testing)


File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment.

With File Roller you can:

  • Create and modify archives.
  • View the content of an archive.
  • View a file contained in the archive.
  • Extract files from the archive.

File Roller is only a graphical interface to archiving utilities such as tar and zip. Supported archive types include :

  • Tar archives uncompressed (.tar) or compressed with
    • gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz)
    • bzip ( , .tbz)
    • bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2)
    • compress (.tar.Z , .taz)
    • lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo)
    • Zip archives (.zip)
    • Jar archives (.jar , .ear , .war)
    • Lha archives (.lzh)
    • Rar archives (.rar)
    • Zoo archives (.zoo)
    • Arj archives (.arj)
    • AR archives (.ar)
    • Debian archives (.deb) (Read-only mode)
    • RPM archives (.rpm) (Read-only mode)
    • 7-zip archives (.7z)
    • ISO files (.iso) (Read-only mode)
    • Stuffit archives (.bin, .sit)
    • Single files compressed with gzip, bzip, bzip2, compress, lzop

File Roller also installs a nautilus extension which adds an "Extract Here" option to the context menu of archive files.


File-roller is install by default with Fedora

If it's missing from you installation you can install it by going to System --> Administration --> Add/Remove Software in the Gnome Desktop Enviroment.

Type file-roller in the search field, check the box and click apply.

You can also open a Terminal window and type

su -c 'yum install file-roller'

To install corresponding debug package open up terminal and type

su -c 'debuginfo-install file-roller'


Skill level = Beginner

Start application


Starting the application

Steps To Reproduce

  • Start the application by clicking on application --> Accessories --> Archive Manager
  • Open up terminal by clicking on Application --> System Tools --> Terminal and run

Expected Results

Application should start and without any errors

Close application


Close the application

Steps To Reproduce

  • Close the application by select Archive --> Close
  • Close application by pressing <ctrl>-w

Expected Results

Application should close without any errors

Create an Archive


Create archive

Steps To Reproduce

  • Create a folder and a text file in the folder or use existing folder
  • Select Archive --> New
  • Press <ctrl>-n
  • Click New
  • Select that newly created folder
  • Type Test-Archive in name filed
  • Click New
  • Create an archive with every option available in Archive type
  • Select the newly created folder from nautilus and right click and choose archive

Expected Results

Archive should be created without any errors

Extract archives


Extract archive

Steps To Reproduce

  • Douple click Test-Archive
  • Select Archive --> Open
  • Press <ctrl>-p
  • Click open
  • Select that newly created folder
  • Type Test-Archive in name filed
  • Click New
  • Create an archive with every option available in Archive type
  • Select the newly created folder from nautilus and right click and choose archive

Expected Results

Archive should be extraced without any errors

Add to already existing archive


Attace back trace to the report and more..

Testing Results

Test Case Tested By Bugs
Starting the application
Stopping through application
Create an archive
Extract an archive