From Fedora Project Wiki
XO design goals not currently satisfied by RPM
- Installing by "getting from a friend"
- Kids can change and redistribute bundles.
- Kid bundles are "first class" (distributed versioning implies distributed dependencies)
- Don't break the world at install time
- Localizability in the absence of a cantralized repo
- Novice programmers using [Pippy]
- Should activities be noarch?
- Short-term -- XO format not going away because of requirements not in RPM or any other package format.
- Other problems underneath -- development standards for activity developers. (What is testing, what is release.)
- This is the release, pull it from git, and build an installable package == something that helps XO and RPM potentially.
Notes - other, raw
- Giving people freedoms and guidelines are not exclusive goals
- Reference point -- Firefox add-ons. Single platform question, then it installs; highly enables community of add-on (activity) creators.
- XO bundles are more like Java Applets than not -- from security framework, to the idea that you are grabbing and caching a webpage for playing with later.