Fedora Project Contact Information
For end-user help or to work with the development team, communicate with the Fedora community . For other requests, email the appropriate team lead or contact listed here.
Press Inquiries
<press at fedoraproject dot org>
Legal Inquiries
(Either Tom Callaway, Fedora Board, or Fedora Legal List. Let Spot/Paul decide what goes here. --Max)
Logo and Branding Inquiries
(Isn't this logo@fedoraproject.org for the logo? For trademark stuff, it's different. Perhaps we should combine legal, logo, and branding into "Legal and Trademark" under one category. --Max)
Ambassadors Project
Max Spevack -- <mspevack at redhat dot com>
Documentation Project
Karsten Wade -- <kwade at redhat dot com>
Translation Project
Dimitris Glezos -- <dimitris at glezos dot com>
Fedora Project Board
Paul Frields - <pfrields at redhat dot com>
Other Requests
<info at fedoraproject dot org>
(Who gets this mail? --Max)