EOL versions
One goal is that all NEW bugs filed against EOL versions are closed promptly.
Blocker bugs
Another goal is that all blocker bugs for the upcoming Fedora 11 release be triaged (indicated by changing from NEW to some other state).
Key components
Fedora has thousands of bugzilla components. With the limited resources of the triage team we focus on the following important components. This list is re-examined at the start of each release cycle.
A major current goal of the BugZappers project is to stabilize the number of NEW bugs for each component. For tracking purposes, the number of bugs on a particular date is recorded here in the wiki. Bugzilla reports can be used to get the current counts for key components or all components. Follow one of those links and click on the count for any given component, to see a list of all the NEW bugs for that component.
Component List
To see who is working on which component, see BugZappers/ActiveTriagers.
Component | Count as of 24 Feb 2009 |
NetworkManager (Feed) | 99 |
PackageKit (Feed) | 22 |
anaconda (Feed) | 147 |
compiz (Feed) | 5 |
evolution (Feed) | 32 |
firefox & co. (Feed) | 3 |
firstboot (Feed) | 2 |
gdm (Feed) | 98 |
glibc (Feed) | 25 |
gtk2 (Feed) | 15 |
hal (Feed) | 68 |
initscripts (Feed) | 48 |
java-1.5.0-gcj (Feed) | 4 |
java-1.6.0-openjdk (Feed) | 32 |
java-1.7.0-icedtea (Feed) | 2 |
kde* (Feed) | 29 |
kernel (Feed) | 678 |
mkinitrd (Feed) | 68 |
nautilus (Feed) | 84 |
openoffice.org* (Feed) | 5 |
plymouth (Feed) | 14 |
pulseaudio (Feed) | 52 |
selinux-policy (Feed) | 20 |
selinux-policy-targeted (Feed) | 7 |
system-config-network (Feed) | 51 |
upstart (Feed) | 4 |
xorg-x11-drv-ati (Feed) | 7 |
xorg-x11-drv-i810 (Feed) | 9 |
xorg-x11-server (Feed) | 3 |
yum (Feed) | 28 |
Total | 1667 |
List All Bugs
Fedora 9 | Fedora 10 | Rawhide (devel) |
New |
Lists of Bugs per Package Group
Finding Duplicates
- Finding duplicates is little more complex than a simple query to bugzilla. See the Finding Duplicates page for more guidance.
RSS Feeds
If watching new bugs via RSS appeals to you, there are some feedburner feeds that you can subscribe to: (Feedburner was used basically to shorten URL's here - the direct bugzilla RSS links are about a mile long):
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/rawhide-new-7days (New rawhide bugs opened in the past 7 days)
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/F9Bugs (New Fedora 9 bugs opened in the past 7 days)
- http://feeds.feedburner.com/eol-7-days (New bugs opened in the past 7 days for releases that are no longer maintained)
Requested RSS Feeds
If you have an idea for a feed that would be useful for your work or make you a more effective bug triager -- add it here and we'll create a user friendly feed and add it to the list above.
Open requests:
- Fedora 9 Bugs in NEEDINFO-REPORTER for more than 30 days
- Fedora rawhide Bugs in NEEDINFO-REPORTER for more than 30 days
- Fedora 10 Bugs