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In this section, we cover Fedora Ambassadors Project.

Contributing Writer: Larry Cafiero

FAD, Fedora booth at SCaLE a success

Fedora Ambassadors hosted a Fedora Activity Day [1] at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE)[2] as part of the many events at the expo. The FAD took place on Friday, February 20th at the Westin Airport Los Angeles, where a group of between 12 to 20 people worked on both font packaging and documentation. Not only did a significant amount of work get done, but it was great to have a face-to-face meeting with people who, on a daily basis, you are in contact with via IRC or by e-mail.

One sensation at the expo was the Fedora kids who walked around the show floor, dressed in Fedora shirts chanting about Fedora; they were Malakai and Saskia Wade (daughters of Karsten Wade), Shaun Savage (son of Clint Savage), and Mirano Cafiero (daughter of Larry Cafiero). Also, the Fedora booth had XOs on hand for demonstration, and the fact the kids were also using them brought the attention of the general public and the press covering the event.

Clint Savage made a presentation on Fedora Remix on Saturday, which was well attended. Several media outlets, including a reporter for the Los Angeles Daily News, visited the booth and interviewed Karsten Wade.

A few hundred disks and other items of swag were handed out and many contacts were made for upcoming presentations about Fedora at LUGs throughout California in the next few months.

Thanks to all those who attended FAD and who helped in the booth at SCaLE.

Here are reports from the FAD and from the Southern California Linux Expo:

Larry Cafiero

Karsten Wade

Clint Savage

Jon Stanley

Joseph Smidt


Fedora installed by users at KGEC

Kalyani Government Engineering College (KGEC) in on the Kalyani University Campus Kalyani in West Bengal, India, has quite a large base of students interested in Linux, and an event [1] took place on Feb. 21.

This install fest is a starting point for spreading the use Linux and Fedora was the distro used in the install fest. Around 150 students were shown how to install and administer Fedora system and were helped to get Fedora installed on their systems.

Reports can be found here:

Fedora at Sam Houston State University

Adam Miller gave his first tech talk as a Fedora Ambassador, presenting to the student organization at Sam Houston State University's "Sam Houston Association for Computer Scientist" (SHACS for short). Adam introduced his fellow classmates to the wonders of Free/Open Source Software, Linux, and most notably, Fedora.

For a full report:

Got Ambassador News?

Any Ambassador news tips from around the Fedora community can be submitted to me by e-mailing lcafiero-AT-fedoraproject-DOT-org and I'd be glad to put it in this weekly report.